A Mini Scribe for FCT & MEC

This is a scribe of CS294 082 by Prof. Gerald Friedland from UC Berkeley The Idea of Function Counting Theorem First we start with Function Counting Theorem (Cover’s Theorem, Thomas M. Cover 1965). For example, we have a 2-dimensional space with 4 points. We have multiple ways to linearly separate these points: Look at $l_5$, it separates $x_1$, $x_4$ on the left side and $x_2$, $x_3$ on the right side....

February 27, 2023 · Dibbla

Entropy and Mutual Info

Reference: Here, which is a well-written introduction to both concepts. Entropy “The entropy of a random variable is a function which attempts to characterize the “unpredictability” of a random variable.” The unpredictability is both related to the frequency and the number of outcomes. A fair 666-sided die is more unpredictable than 6-sided die. But if we cheat on 666-sided one by making the side with number 1 super heavy, we may then find the 666-sided die more predictable....

September 19, 2022 · Dibbla