RL generalization: Generalizable LfO via Inferring Goal Proximity

Paper Here; Official Blog Here Generalizable Imitation Learning from Observation via Inferring Goal Proximity is a NIPS2021 paper which focuses on the generalization problem of Learning from Demonstration(LfO). The idea of the paper is quite straightforward without much mathematical explanations. In this blog I will show the high-level idea and experiment setting of the paper. Preliminaries: LfO and “Goal” idea LfO is an imitation learning setting, where we cannot access the action information of experts’ demonstrations....

October 22, 2022 · Dibbla

RL generalization: Generalizable LfO via Inferring Goal Proximity

Paper Here; Official Blog Here Generalizable Imitation Learning from Observation via Inferring Goal Proximity is a NIPS2021 paper which focuses on the generalization problem of Learning from Demonstration(LfO). The idea of the paper is quite straightforward without much mathematical explanations. In this blog I will show the high-level idea and experiment setting of the paper. Preliminaries: LfO and “Goal” idea LfO is an imitation learning setting, where we cannot access the action information of experts’ demonstrations....

October 22, 2022 · Dibbla