The Intervention-based Imitation Learning (IIL) Family

From DAgger, to HG-DAgger and more recent advances DAgger Dataset Aggregation (DAgger) is a imitation learning algorithm proposed in AISTAT11 paper A Reduction of Imitation Learning and Structured Prediction to No-Regret Online Learning by Stéphane Ross, Geoffrey J. Gordon and J. Andrew Bagnell. It is a simple yet effective algorithm that has been widely used in imitation learning, and as you can tell from the title, it’s not related to human-in-the-loop RL....

October 21, 2023 · Dibbla

The Intervention-based Imitation Learning (IIL) Family

From DAgger, to HG-DAgger and more recent advances DAgger Dataset Aggregation (DAgger) is a imitation learning algorithm proposed in AISTAT11 paper A Reduction of Imitation Learning and Structured Prediction to No-Regret Online Learning by Stéphane Ross, Geoffrey J. Gordon and J. Andrew Bagnell. It is a simple yet effective algorithm that has been widely used in imitation learning, and as you can tell from the title, it’s not related to human-in-the-loop RL....

October 21, 2023 · Dibbla