Dibbla: This file/list contains several papers about Hanabi, but mostly focus on 2 ideas: MCTS method and learning a protocol.

Theoretical Method

Playing Hanabi Near-Optimally

This paper, from a theory view, provides a hat-guessing strategy that reaches nearly full score in some settings. Check here.


The Hanabi challenge: A new frontier for AI research

Check here

The 2018 Hanabi Competition

Check here


Re-determinizing MCTS in Hanabi

Check here

Where the IS-MCTS was proposed. Check here

This actually fails in Hanabi. Check here

Monte-Carlo tree search for constrained POMDPs

Check here

Evaluating and modelling Hanabi-playing agents

Check here

Learning a protocol / Recent Advance

Communicating via Markov Decision Processes

Check here

Off-Belief Learning

By Foerster. Check here

“Other-Play” for Zero-Shot Coordination

Check here

Multi-agent common knowledge reinforcement learning

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